Thursday, July 16, 2015

Most television shows depict life a certain way.  Dad goes to work to provide for his family, mom tends to the children and home.  Usually the children learn lessons after they have made a mistake or done something wrong.  The parent then takes time and sits with them to teach them a lesson, and help them become stronger individuals.

Does real life always happen like this? Not usually.  Moms and dads both have to work, and sometimes don't have enough hours in a day to spend with their children and are not able to teach them these life lessons. 

I know growing up, my life never fit into one of these television shows.  Maybe that is why we watch them, to kind of give us that image of what we wish it should be.  In some way it may have been somewhat similar to some of the ways the Walls children were raised.  I spent a lot of time without my parents, and  although the Walls children had their mother there physically, emotionally she was not there for their children.  If my mom was home, I often felt like we had to fight for her attention, she would be tired from a busy day.

Although not perfect and not what a perfect family should be.  Life lessons can be learned in real life, not just from the way life is portrayed on television.

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