Frustration, doubt, and accomplishment are all feelings that went into this paper. I thought prior to taking this course, it would be a breeze. I write letters every day for patients and their daily needs. I write letters fighting with insurance companies when we don't agree something is medically necessary. This was nothing like I expected.
I had to revert back to things I was taught over thirteen years ago. I made an outline and just filled in the blanks, paragraph by paragraph. When I think back I cannot believe the time I put into making a three page paper. I made many attempts at getting my thoughts onto paper, but found myself highlighting and deleting quite often. You would think someone like me who likes to talk a lot would find it easier than I did.
When thinking forward, this probably has helped me to realize that I need to prioritize my time better, having a good chunk of time, rather than fitting it in between being a taxi for my kids and small breaks at work.
My motivation through this was the want to finish. I think it was a neat feeling of accomplishment when I could sit back and say, I just finished my first college paper!
I feel your pain! I am having great difficulty getting my thoughts on paper, in addition to "'in the format specified'! :) I can get my point across much better in a conversation- you can read your audience and quickly adapt! When writing, I lock myself away- because if I get started I can 't stop! I'll lose my train of thought and BAM! Time to start over. I usually write at night, after working all days, chauffeuring my kids and taking care of my house. It's a great feeling to complete this task! And wait for the next one!!